Dear Friends,
Whether you are already a member of our New Bethel community or a newcomer checking us out, these are exciting times to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The world is as much in need of the message of the Gospel, as it has ever been. People all around us are yearning to:
Experience authentic worship
Know if the Bible has anything helpful or inspiring to offer them
Develop real friendships in a healthy community
And find meaning and purpose in their life and work
People are searching for places where they fit in and where they can be accepted for who they are, while getting a real sense that God loves them and Jesus Christ has the power to save them. And wouldn’t it be refreshing to find a church that can accept and love everyone as they are, while offering gentle guidance in becoming who God created them to be? New Bethel is striving to be such a church!
Here at New Bethel UMC we are committed to helping people find and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. We do that through worship, Bible studies, music and arts, youth activities, and a host of other ministries within the church. But we also help point people to Jesus through our widespread ministries of mission, outreach, and evangelism within our community. From Soup and Bread dinners, to Thanksgiving baskets and barbecues, Habitat for Humanity homes, Trunk or Treat, music concerts, Vacation Bible School events and our recent mission trips to Alabama, Virginia, Texas, and Mexico – New Bethel members are constantly on the move sharing the love of God with our neighbors, near and far. The pandemic has changed some things, but it has not halted our ministries!
As I said, it’s an exciting time to be a follower of Jesus and it’s also an exciting time to be a part of New Bethel UMC. There is much good work to be done. And as the grace of God reminds us, our best days are not behind us! I am honored to be the Pastor of New Bethel Church and I know that God has great plans for our future. We invite you to join us, for a little or a lot, as we push forward into the new frontiers of mission and ministry that await us. A Light for all to see. A Place for all to be. A New Church for a New Day!
~ Pastor Penny Barber
Part of our focus at New Bethel Church is reaching out and offering blessings and help to those in our very own community. We do support some overseas missions, but we are also aware of needs in our own neighborhood. We don't view missions as an either/or, but a both/and. So we work locally, nationally, and globally, to share the light and love of Christ.
Our 2024-2025 LOCAL MISSIONS
Fill The Fridge for the Teachers' Lounge at Glen Carbon Elementary School​
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House
Cunningham Children's Home in Urbana, IL
The Covering House, for young women liberated from Sex-Trafficking
Glen-Ed Food Pantry
Glen-Ed Senior Citizen Center
Habitat for Humanity
Red Cross Blood Drives
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship – SIUE
2024 Summer Vacation Bible School
2024 Summer Kids' Cooking Camps
Annual Trunk or Treat Event
U.S. Disaster Relief
UMCOR – United Methodist Committee On Relief
Liberian Pastor Support
Supporting a Missionary in Liberia, Priscilla Jaiah
Local Mission Projects
Five Buck Club – our local benevolence fund
Midwest Mission Distribution Center
Operation Christmas Child 2024
Black Campus Ministry - SIUE
OWL - Overnight Warming Location Ministry
United Congregations of Metro East
Restore Decor
Alcoholics Anonymous
TWIGS Summer Lunch Program
Helping at Habitat for Humanity
Volunteering at Twigs Summer Lunch Program